We are a proud to be using certified organic ingredients in all of our Smoothie Bombs. In our household we personally believe in and eat certified organic foods, so of course in our food business those values are reflected throughout our products.
If you don't know the story behind The Smoothie Bombs, I came up with this 'pre-portioned booster' idea when my youngest daughter Lana became a fussy eater. She wasn't eating breakfast or lunch. As a nutritionist and concerned mum I knew I needed to come up with a way to get good nutrition into her in an easy way. And so Smoothie Bombs were born!
On Friday the 17th of November we flew from our hometown Melbourne to Adelaide for Australian Organic's annual awards ceremony. We were up against some pretty big names in our category (Coyo, Mulgowie and ChillSafe) and were pretty happy just to be a finalist and show our support of the organic industry.
Much to our surprise we won!! Thank you again for supporting our original, certified organic products :)