Set Goals like a Ninja! – The Smoothie Bombs

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Set Goals like a Ninja!

When I was younger, I was good at setting and reaching my goals. I focused on what I needed and then just went about doing it. That was back before the internet!!

As much as new technology has been awesome and it has helped us in many ways, it has also created different problems. Our minds now are so full of tiny bits of information that sticking to one thing has become increasingly hard.

I was determined to make some changes and looked at what successful people did. What I found was quite simple. 

1) Write a list at the start of the day

2) Don’t make the goals too complicated

3) Do it regularly

The trick is to remember small steps accomplish big things. When we set unrealistic goals we are more likely to fail. And once we fail, we feel like crap and usually don’t try again in a hurry. We can improve our chances by keeping the goals small.

For example imagine you want to cut back on sugar. Rather than cutting it out all at once, start by having a ½ teaspoon less sugar in your morning coffee. Do this every day until you eventually remove the sugar completely. That’s the theory so apply to other things in your life you want to change.

Good habits are created from repeating an action. This means if you want something to last, you need to be consistent. In James Clear’s book 'Atomic Habits;, he talks about increasing a change by only 1% each day. So when you look back a month later, you have increased by 30%! Makes sense right?!

Here is how you can take some steps to improving your health goals, your motivation goals or even if you wish to be more productive: 

  1. Set a small goal everyday -  Makes the goal more achievable

  2. Attach a goal to a daily habit - for example, you brush your teeth every morning. Add taking your vitamin routine here so you don’t forget it

  3. Write it down - it helps to tick it off! This will make you feel that you have achieved something, releases good endorphins and make it possible for you to keep going

Think of it like training your brain. The saying that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is no longer true. Studies now show that we can do better when we do it in smaller chunks. If the goal is easier, we are going to stick to it. 

Yours in health,

cinzia cozzolino, the smoothie bombs founder
(BHSc Nutritional Medicine)



This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this blog or in any linked materials.  

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1 comment

  • Some great tips here Cinzia, thank you 🙏

    Kathryn Lee

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